11 February 2010

Heart Haters

For some reason, the entire universe seems to be haters of Valentines Day. My friend Stacie the Barista had a mini-rant about it yesterday morning. "I want him to give me flowers because he wants to, not because he has to."

While I understand her sentiment, I don't agree.

I guess I still view the holiday through preschool eyes. In preschool, everyone gets Valentines. In preschool, everyone shares treats. In preschool, it's a party to say "Hey, I like you. You're cool. Be my friend"

I am trying to avoid the bitter "It's a Made Up Holiday by the Jewelry & Candy Industries" much like I ignore the commercialism of Christmas argument. I'm trying to focus on the positive: it's a day to remind us to tell the people we love that we care about them. It's not just about contrived romance.

Valentines Day is an opportunity to tell our loved ones that we love them, to give silly or sappy cards, and to eat candy. It's a reason to watch chick flicks. It's a reason to go out for a nice dinner or bring home takeout. It's a reason to wear red or pink or dress up. What is wrong with any of those things? You don't even have to be in a relationship to do them.

How are you celebrating Valentines Day?


Swistle said...

I totally agree. Does Stacie say at Christmastime, "I want him to give me a present because he wants to, not because he has to"? No. Valentine's Day gets blamed for things other holidays get to slide by with.

creative kerfuffle said...

a very convincing post. i have been known to hate valentine's day for the very reason stacie says. however, i do totally see your point. i don't know how we'll actually celebrate sunday, but there will be valentine's for the kids and hubs (and i assume i will get one). tonight the girl and i and my sil are going to see valentine's day.