19 February 2010

There are Two Kinds of People

There are two people in the world, those who like Neil Diamond and those who don’t.

(If you don’t know the movie that line is from, I’m sorry but we might not be able to be friends anymore)

(It's “What About Bob?”)

No, really. There are two kinds of people in this world:

Actors and Reactors. Not Brad Pitt actors but actors as in Doers.

I am an Actor. There is something to be done & usually, I’m on it. Need a hand? Okay! It’s broken? Let’s get it fixed. In my world, there is a solution for most things.

Other people in my life are Reactors. Other people that are doing their taxes on my laptop (again) because they might have lost last years tax forms somehow.

Reactors seem to wait until it’s an issue. Car is making noise? Ignore it until you’re broken down on the side of the freeway, in the dark, and it’s raining. They wait until it’s a crisis. Just ignore that lump until it’s a mass. Don’t pay that bill until you get served with collection papers. Let the tree fall on the neighbors house.


I can see, in some instances, not being an Actor. Sometimes I’ve jumped (*ahem* first marriage *cough*) and really shouldn’t have. I’ve been impulsive before so I could see where patience & prudence would have been wiser. But I just don’t understand ignoring an issue until it’s a problem. As I am sure, reactors can’t imagine just jumping in and getting it done or making a split decision.

I guess there's a sub-category: ditherers. I see ditherers in the middle. Usually, they make wise, well thought decisions. Sometimes they'll wait too long and become Reactors but I see them as actors with intentions.

No judging, everyone has their own way of dealing with things. Reacting just isn't my way.

Which category, if anything, do you fit into?


Daydream Believer said...

I'm a ditherer! I'm usually an actor, but there are definitely times when I'm stuck in the middle. On a side note, my taxes are done! ;-)

creative kerfuffle said...

i guess i'm a ditherer to some degree. i have a HUGE procrastination problem. HUGE.

Surely said...

I think dithering can be good. I think I could benefit from dithering from time to time. (:-D

This was a cranky post for me, written in my office while my s-i-l was attempting her taxes for the second time, thus shutting down our evening; dinner, Kev's computer time, and essentially making everything late. Grrr.