09 September 2010


Remember awhile ago I mentioned trying to find my childhood friend Laura?

I did and I wrote her a note and She Answered!!

I know, right? you have to love the internet.

I sent a note that said essentially "hi, remember me? how have you been? Here's all my contact info" yadda yadda yadda.

One Saturday I turned my email on to find an email from her saying "I didn't know I was lost!" Funny how things don't change really. She's the same funny, sarcastic person I remember.

So, that's really good. It makes me happy. Very happy.

((if there is sudden lapses in grammar or text that looks like this: shdfasodfih;lwaerjlkwa. It's because I'm having an allergic reaction and am sneezing my fool head off. I'm hoping by acknowledging it to the universe, it will stop.))

Thank you for the bless yous.


She has different last name and just like me: she has a common, plain last name. It's a wonder we ever found each other. Because as glamorous *firegirl* sounds, I have a very plain, common name in real life.

Can I just say she is badass? I told y'all about how it was growing up for her and that I hoped she found a way out. Chick hitchhiked from her house in rural Missouri to a recruiting center, signed up, and left. Just left. Just like that. Peaced out on the whole family situation and made her own life.


Now she's married, has children, and is back in the States. It seems like her life is going well.

I friended her on the facebook and got to see some pictures, which was really nice and kind of trippy. It's odd to see her siblings grown up. They were all kids when I saw them last.

In fact, I have to admit that I was scrolling through pictures, paused at one, and thought "Who is that? he's hawt" thinking that perhaps it was her husband.

It was her baby brother. I felt like I had to gouge my own eyes out! Dude was in diapers the last time I saw him.

So, yeah, that's awkward.

I feel like I need to send the internet a bouquet of flowers to say thank you for the reconnection.

Have you found someone you've lost through the internet? Who?

1 comment:

creative kerfuffle said...

you are freaking me out! srsly dude. day before yesterday i noticed two of my fb friends had friended a girl that was one of my 2 bff's in high school. we kept in touch for a year or two after high school and then lost touch. she has a common name, so my searches online for her over the yrs were fruitless. we reconnected on fb, emailed a little back and forth and it was great. we were so close in high school and i was close to one of her sisters too. finding people like that is one of the reasons i love the internet.