With the sale of the house, etc. the parents were suddenly flush with cash. Kevin's dad has worked hard all of his life, starting when he was 14 years old. While they got by just fine, they were typical Americans living on a budget.
Suddenly most of their bills are gone. They had few worries. And a pocketful of money.
Kevin's parents believe in "You can't take it with you" and they say that they'd rather watch everyone else enjoy the fruits of their lifetime then to die with money in the bank. So we have to be careful about saying that we want anything.
"The washer is making a funny noise" = coming home to a new washer.
"I want to try to take the car to Vegas" = Parents becoming the sponsor of the car.
"I really want to add plants to the rock garden" = nearly brand new rock garden
Not to mention all the dinners they bought and presents they gave. The coffees that they buy when we're not paying attention.
This is where the title comes in. We found ourselves saying, often, "You didn't have to do that." Enough so that they had made a sign that hangs next to their house saying just that.
Today was not my best day. It was a Monday and I am getting over a cold and bladda bladda bladda. So it was with a stunned "Wha?" that I reacted with when Kevin brought over a new-to-us flat screen television for the bedroom.
Kevin's parents bought a new television for their living room. So they gave us the old one:

I've named it "Insomnia" It's a 40" flat screen and suddenly we have a theatre in the bedroom.
So, a lovely end to a total crap day.
How did your Monday go?
I popped down to my doctors yesterday to pick up a repeat prescription for some Salbutamol for my bronchitis.Because I haven't seen my doctor for over a year they can't just print off a prescription and get it signed,oh no.I've got to go in again today to have some tests and go in again Thursday for the results.I'm going away Friday for 3 or 4 days,thats why I need the Salbutamol.I thought the idea of a rep/pres was to save wasting a doctors time.
your in-laws sound like my brother's in-laws. they are great people, and not just because they help my bro's family out. almost all of the furniture in my bro's house is nice handmedowns because his in-laws got something new. especially since my sil's been out of work, they help. kids need clothes for back to school? done. etc.
as for my monday. pardon my french but it was fucktacular (and not in a good way). we had the hubs' car back an hour before it wanted to visit the shop again. oy vey.
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