05 October 2019

At Least It Looks Productive...

It's five o'clock and one of those days that feel like I've done nothing.  But I have. It's just that the A.D.D. is, like, super extra full strength today.  I write about this so people can perhaps understand and/or get a glimpse of what this looks like.  It may seem like productivity, if you don't look closely.

Kevin is loading up the racecar because we've got a grudge race tomorrow.  One of our friends challenged us so we're going for one last blast.  Now I'm trying to get my chores done in double-time because we'll be gone all day tomorrow.

Earlier today I "washed" my truck and Kevin's truck.  "Washed" because we both forgot we were out of car wash and because ADD is OMG.  I also vacuumed and wiped down both interiors.  Now I am realizing that I've forgotten to do the windows because ADD said go do something else.  Like the chores I started this morning.

Exhibit A:
Kitchen...paperwork on the left counter is for an email I was supposed to send this morning for my in-laws.  The broom is because I still need to sweep and mop, also this morning.  The sweatshirt is wet from the car washing so of course it's on the counter.  The drawer is open because I needed the scissors, which I am certain are now on the dining table.  (yes)  The watering can is out because I used it to rinse the shower door and remembered that the plants needed watering. (still) The sneakers are from lunchtime when I was making lunch and didn't want shoes on.  The water bottle is one of two open in the house, both mine.  The lunchbag is drying because I spilled yogurt in it yesterday.

Exhibit B:

Unmade bed which NEVER happens because OCD and puppy.  But I was going to change the sheets.  BUT FIRST I had to do laundry.  Now laundry needs folding and put away (on the chair, just out of the frame) before I can change sheets.

What you can't see is the clothing on the chair, or the new socks that need taken out of the packaging and put away or that the bathroom rugs are still up because I was going to mop.  And the empty bathroom cleaner on the buffet behind me, because...reasons...

And that the bedroom is playing different music than the rest of the house.

And the oven is on because dinner has to get started but first...

So, of course, I am sitting down at the laptop to dash this off because I don't have finished content to post tomorrow.  And now the washer just sung to me that it's finished.

I have talked about using strategies for when the A.D.D. is like this.  But like depression, sometimes those strategies just don't work.  Sometimes the A.D.D. just points and laughs.  Instead, I'm going to lean into it.

AND, AND, AND...today was going to be a whatever day because I was going to do my chores tomorrow.  And then the universe laughed.

Off I go...to use my A.D.D. powers for good.

Update: floors are done, laundry has been handled. Vacuuming remains undone.  Now we're making dinner.  You'll notice the watering can still out but on a different counter. (at least it's next to the sink)  Kevin has added a water bottle.  My debit card is out because we have to tell the credit union that we're going into Canada.  And the dishwasher needs emptying still. (I forgot)

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