21 October 2008

Getting to Know You, Annoying Version

C had a bad day the other day...well, she was in San Diego so we'll forgive her for that one but she came up with a fun getting to know you email pass-along that isn't the mushy type! Kind of like D's and my little stress relief game. List things that Annoy you.

Well, it's been a week now and we're still playing. It's not as obnoxious as it sounds. Actually it's a little cathartic. I'm sure a therapist would say something along the lines of "If you acknowledge it, you can move forward" or some sort of whatever.

Play along with your friends! List things that annoy you, the range of items can be specific or broad.

A compiled list thus far:

Bicyclists who don't share the road
Jennifer Hudson
Loud talkers and loud talkers on cell phones
Gum chewers
Baby talk
Ridiculous kid names...she mentioned the name Bamboo
Bad table manners...open mouth chewing, talking while chewing, coffee slurping, etc.
Door slammers
Poor drivers...
Verbal diarrhea...oversharers...
Wanderers/Meanderers/Blank Starers...usually encountered in the grocery store & malls
Attention Whores: inapproprately dressed girls and inappropriate boys.
Unattended children
Adult Whiners..."it's taking so long" "the other place was better..." etc.
Jingling of keys or change in pocket


Not Your Aunt B said...

Too much detail. As in every single minutia.

Firegirl said...

YES! I had a staff member back-in-the-day that told me her doctor appointment was to get a hemorrhoid removed. TMI!!!!