04 February 2011

You Kids Get Off My Lawn

I had to go to the post office today for work.  Once again, I am confronted with young people.   I am officially old.

Last week there was a college - age girl that sounded like Kristin Wiig from Saturday Night Live in the As&holes sketch.  She was thankfully not chewing gum because homicide would have occurred.  She decided that she needed to do yoga stretches.  In line.  Next to me.   I tweeted with the hashtag #yourheadistooclosetomybum.

Today's example is two college age girls, both of which were so self-absorbed all I could hear was "ShutupShutupShutupShutupFTLOGShutup" in my head. Every single sentence began with I or included Me. As I left, she actually did a twirl and hair flip.  There may have been jazz hands.

So here's my rant: The college-age generation is the first generation that has most likely had every single moment of their lives photographed and videotaped.  With this, they always seem to be "on."  They're often over-animated and behave as if they are there to solely entertain us.
It can be exhausting.  A person can't even point it out because they are unaware.  Their entire lives they have been a one-man Broadway show.

It just occurred to me that decorum is the word I've been looking for. The definition being:  propriety and good taste in conduct or appearance.  There is no decorum anymore.  Busting out in song & dance (or yoga stretches if you will)  in the post office or going to the grocery store wearing actual pajamas, yet perfect hair & makeup.  Kevin's pet peeve is hats on indoors or worse yet, wearing the hood up on their hoodies.

I don't expect perfect clothing, hair, & makeup.  I do expect people to get dressed when they are in public.  I do expect not to have to endure a Real World episode while I am waiting to buy stamps.  I do expect to be able to conduct my daily life without out dodging a bunch of slouches with their heads over their cellphones.

Meanwhile, you kids get off my lawn!!


Lindsay said...

I found this to be spot on and hilarious. But I am so guilty of hoods up on hoodies. I just love how the hair is pulled off my face and I am all snug and cozy. My husband agrees with your line of thinking and always pulls my hood down if we go out in public and I get so mad. Sigh...you make a good point though. As for people putting on a broadway show when they are out in public I've never heard it described so well. I was in a coffee/bookshop today and all was quiet except for one gal who talked on her cellie for at least half an hour, loudly, with swearing and inappropriate subject matter. All around people were exchanging "Can you believe THIS?" looks. You could tell she knew her every word was being heard and she was reveling in it. Finally she left and all sorts of under the breath muttering and sarcastic clapping started from us other patrons. In summation: people, they are crazy.

creative kerfuffle said...

i blame the parents for their upbringing. although these kids are old enough to know better and to practice decorum, they probably didn't grow up w/ it. they grew up thinking they were the stars of this broadway show and everyone else gives a damn.