So, I'm one month and days into this quarantine time warp thing. It looks like it is going to be extended until June so I'm starting to feel that little tickle of panic.
One day this week, I woke up in a full mood. I worked, did some chores, then realized Everything Was Futile. I put myself into a time out and pouted on the couch for the rest of the day. I worried that was going to be the same the following day but it wasn't.
Apparently I just needed to pout it out.
I've been hearing and reading about families and spouses being quarantined together and how it's starting to wear on everyone. Kevin is still working and working super long hours so that's not the case here. Heaven help us if it were because I don't know that either of us wouldn't be buried on the property somewhere by the end of it.
There was a tweet about "I didn't know I was married to the guy who does/says..." I found it entertaining to hear people vent about their significant others.
The other day I said to Kevin "Bud, I'm pretty sure you WON'T die if you turn off the light in the pantry."
On weekend mornings he lets me sleep. He usually makes himself breakfast, which could be anything from cereal to waffles. For some reason, he always leaves a bowl or plate in one sink and the drinking glass in the other. Sigh. I don't have the heart to ask him why. He's being quiet so I can sleep so I can't slap him with WHY ARE THERE DISHES IN ALL THE SINKS.
These are relatively small things but they are the kind of things were you feel yourself quietly snap in your brain. I think it's the cumulative little things that takes relationship out; not the big things. The socks on the floor (he doesn't...but I leave shoes everywhere) and bad habits like that.
So, what have you discovered (or have known) that makes you a little twitchy that your significant other does?
I will pick two related ones.
Paul drinks iced coffee, so after I drink my hot coffee, I pour everything left in the pot into a container in the fridge. Every time Paul pours out coffee and then returns the container to the fridge, he manages to drip a couple of coffee drips onto the (light-colored) kitchen floor, where they dry very visibly. I sometimes drink iced coffee too, so I have used this container, and I don't know how he is making it drip. Is he shaking it? Carrying it sideways? WHAT?
When he's done with his iced coffee, he puts the cup on the counter over the dishwasher (this is to save our marriage, because the way he loads the dishwasher is not "different" or "another right way just not mine," but LITERALLY WRONG, like plates-blocking-the-openings-of-cups-and-bowls wrong), but always leaves the ice cubes in the cup. The sink is RIGHT THERE, but he doesn't dump the ice into the sink. WHY?
My husband has the dreadful habit of leaving ALL of his lunch dishes wherever - despite the fact that the dishwasher is empty and ready to accept the dishes. WHY?! It's not that he won't load the dishwasher at any other time but for some reason lunch dishes don't get loaded.
And it's a darn good thing that he is still going to work during the week because otherwise one of us would be buried out in the woods.
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