15 October 2020

I.T. Support and Anxiety

 The other day I mentioned that I didn't go into work because reasons.  I only go into my actual office once a week so this really isn't a big ask.  I should be able to manage that. But nope. Not last Thursday.

It was a busy week, which is unusual anymore and kind of fun.  By the end of the week, I was all "Whew, thank dog it's Friday" and I haven't had that thought in....counting...seven months.

It's dark in the mornings when Kevin leaves and I'm finding it particularly difficult to stay up and stay awake.  So I've been not fighting it and just going back to sleep.  Probably not my best plan but those five words could be the title of my autobiography.

I did eventually get up and work.  I've been starting my day going straight to my office, with coffee and a treat, and not showering until later.  This is been working, sorta.  I can't do it if I have meetings, of course, and I do notice that I kind of resent having to stop to go shower and make myself human.


Kevin phoned about the parents about 9:30, when I'm trying to get ready to go to work.  His dad was having a procedure that day and my s-i-l was taking care of him.  (I KNOW, right) Because things get lost in the shuffle, I didn't have the timeline of this whole thing.  

It turns out that I was scheduled to be at work while this is happening, leaving the m-i-l home alone.  Sigh.  I WORK TWO HOURS A WEEK, how hard is this?  Kevin apologized and I told him I'd just shorten my work day (lol) and come right back home.  

And then the lights went out.  Now it's a tiny bit of an emergency because they can't be without electricity for a sustained period of time.  I waited, hoping hoping hoping it would come on and it did not.  I phoned the power company and the restoration was scheduled for later in the afternoon.  *bad words*  

I phoned Kevin to let him know and he flipped into Problem Solving Mode. He said he'd just come home. This is particularly ridiculous and I told him that I would just call out for the day.  (which is particularly ridiculous in itself)

Now I'm trying to figure out what I can do.  My hair is wet because no electricity.  My office is useless because no electricity.  Obviously my next step is to go get coffee.  I know, wait for it.  I was nearly all the way there when I realized that they might be out of power too.  I'm  committed at this point and Lucy is not going to tolerate not getting treats.  

Luckily, the power had just turned back on at the coffee stand.  We went back home and tah dah!  power is on at our house too.  I dried my hair so I didn't look homeless and decided I would work anyway.  The power continued to flicker because the universe thinks it's funny.

About an hour after the s-i-l and f-i-l left, my phone rings.  It's the m-i-l.  Deep breath.  Her internet isn't working.  OF COURSE IT ISN'T.   I did remember not to ask how long it had been this time.  I told her I'd be over in a few.

I masked up because I couldn't do I.T. support in the rain.  Like always, she went to get up when I came in.  Sigh. Why?  Her internet sits on the kitchen counter so I could work on it from a safe distance.  She has the CNN on at a reasonable level so that was good.  I reset her internet, checked her connection on the tablet, and left.  I know she always wants me/us to hang out but no.

An hour later, my phone rings again.  

This time she wants to know my shoe size.  "It depends on the shoe. What do you need?"  Well, she ordered slippers.  

Oh, wait.  Remember when I taught her how to shop on the amazon while in the middle of the park?  She can't remember if she saw us that day but she REMEMBERED how to do that. Now we get packages about once a week for her. 

Anyway, slippers.  She bought slippers but they are a tiny bit too small for her.  She wanted to know if I wanted them.  No, because I don't wear slippers and two, she gave me slippers for Christmas.  Instead I said that they probably wouldn't fit.  This is not a lie, they wouldn't.  And I'm not getting into the whole You Can Return Them thing with her. I can barely remember to do it for myself.

Then she said "Oh, happy anniversary."  Ummm....what?   Then I remembered that I posted on the social media the other day (which she can now see because I reset her internet and it was probably down for a few days but whatever) that it was the 30-year anniversary of Kevin's and my first date.  So, I clarified that.

AND THEN, what does she always ask?  Without fail?  "Were you sleeping?"  We've been talking like ten minutes now.  "No, I'm working."  Then she giggles.  I swear to dog, every.single.gdamned.time.

After hanging up, I looked at the time and realized that it had been a few hours since everyone had left so she was feeling anxious.  I texted Kevin "Phone your mother"

So, that's why I didn't go to work on Thursday.  

This is also why I'm considering advocating for continuing to work from home if school ever does re-open.  The other day it was I.T. support and anxiety but in the future, it is going to be more than that.

And I don't hate working from home.  There's that. lol

1 comment:

Swistle said...

That was so fun to read. I mean, obviously extremely exasperating in-person. But reading it, I felt like I was following you through it and seeing your reactions, and they were hilarious.