02 October 2020

This Is Why I Keep Things

There are multiple projects happening right now and I know better than to do this to myself.  The clearing of Monica's Closet, the resulting culling of the nostalgia box, and the creation of other projects because I simply opened the door of that closet.

So.  Sigh. *rolling of shoulders*  I did the initial cull of Monica's Closet on Sunday.  This created a full laundry basket and multiple bags of stuff to be donated. But there is an average TWO HOUR WAIT at any of the three second hand stores that I donate to.  TWO HOURS.  Because of the mother $%^ing End Times.

Not to be daunted, I called every second-hand store in two counties and the answers went from Not Accepting Donations to "Schedule a drop-off and the most recent available date is October 30th."  Wut.  Kevin said just take it to the dump and I'm all NO.  While I agree that my time is more valuable than a two-hour wait in the car, there had to be something I can figure out and not add to the landfill.

Today (Thursday? is it Thursday?) (No, now it's Friday but stay with me)   I got up early (for me) and arrived an half-hour early to opening.  I was still the seventh car in line.  Sigh.  I parked, put my seat back, and surfed the ticktock app until it was my turn.  Totally worth the time for me.  I mean, really, I would have spent that time on social media anyway; it was just a matter of location.

After that, I did another cull of the nostalgia box.  I messaged photos of items from when I was married to satan to my friends, just to make them laugh.  I kept very little from that time period and it's rare that I find something that makes me laugh. I feel like I should frame and hang them.  Treat them like a sobriety coin.

I am now going through wedding and funeral programs.  Yep, I keep all.the.things.  I found BFF K's wedding announcements and sent a photo to her.  I found the program of another old friend's wedding and he immediately answered that his wife would like to have it.  I'd forgotten that they lost stuff in a 100-Year flood years ago.  THIS IS WHY I KEEP THINGS.  

I have a large pile of stuff from school, kindergarten through college.  That is tomorrow's project. It is going to generate a LOT of "Why do I have this?" and recycling. 

I have sorted everything else into categories, because of course I have.  They're ready to be put into albums soon, which I bought on sale the other day.  What categories? you wonder.  Well, like above, weddings and funerals, greeting cards, bumper stickers, ticket stubs, notes and letters, newspaper articles.  The list is long.

But there are two newspaper articles from my past that I want and CANNOT FIND.  It's making me teary with frustration.  I've put them somewhere "safe".  

Oh, and I posted the trains on my facebook and a friend answered within in two minutes that he wanted them.  One issue: he's in CANADA and I can't get there right now.  I'm going to be mailing them, which is ridiculous because before the End Times, it's less than an hour away.  Otherwise, two other folks have dibbed them so that's nice. I just want them gone to go to a good home.

So, yeah. There's the update on the Monica Closet adventure.  Mostly happy, a little frustrating.  

And the goal of having just one box of stuff remaining?  Meh. *shrug*  We'll see.  Maybe if I get a larger tote.  lol.


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