25 October 2020

It's Been One Week

 Yesterday, Saturday - because time doesn't matter anymore - my mother-in-law phoned.  Apparently she has forgiven my snark from the day before.  Forgotten is more likely the case, either way I'll take it.

"Hi honey, you said to tell you when this happens and well, the internet is broken."

I've been using these meme as a response to my job partner the last week and it applies here:

I was just there...less than 24 hours ago. Granted, the snark level was high but still.  And Kevin has been there a bunch of times over the past 24 hours.  Okay, *shrugging of shoulders*  I asked her to phone and she phoned.  Take the win.

Masked up and went outside.  Kevin was coming from the racecar trailer to the shop.  "Where you going?" he asked, pausing in his steps "Next door. The internet is broken."  

"Good luck with that." and I swear to dawg hurried his steps to get into the shop.  Thanks, bud.

I opened the door and walked into the parents house. It's Fall so it's raining or wet 24/7 now.  No more I.T. on the deck unless I just want gawd to call me home.

My f-i-l is on the phone and the television is on loud-ish.  PERFECT.  My m-i-l confidently hands me her tablet and says  "You need to push that button you push on it so the internet works."  I had to bite back a laugh.  Where is my I.T. Wizard hat?  And if you know this, why am I here.  *deep breath*

I took the tablet and stood behind the table, well away from the both of them.  Opened the internet settings on the tablet and their wifi isn't showing.  I turned around and picked up their wifi and it's OFF. I'm literally counting to ten in my head as I turn it back on. THEY KNOW TO CHECK IT FIRST THING.  

While counting, I cue into the phone conversation and then my f-i-l hangs up. "They're not sending her home today but Monday because they have to get hospice set up."  Hmmm, wut?  I quickly realized that it's Kevin's aunt/f-i-l's sister.  Whom I didn't know was in the hospital. 

She was diagnosed with cancer at the beginning of the year and that's all we know. That's the total information my f-i-l is able to provide.  She lives two hours away, south of Seattle, so visiting her isn't an option even when there's not a pandemic.  Obviously, we are not close with the cousins in this branch of the family.

Anyway, as the wifi reboots, I'm kind of waiting for elaboration from my f-i-l. because I'm, like, standing right there and he's, you know, audible.  Silence.  I glance at my m-i-l and nothing.  Okay, then.  I guess it's a need to know basis and I don't need to know.  I like the aunt but she's one of those women who got mean as she got older so I'm a little "meh" about it. (fast forward a few minutes: Kevin is also unaware of this development. So communication is right on track)

The wifi comes on, I reconnect her tablet, and reboot it.  When it's ready, I hand it back to her.  She's very pleased and asked what was wrong.  "Your wifi was turned off."  She is puzzled about this, AS AM I.  "Well, how did that happen?" she muses.

Then I remembered, a week and two days ago we lost power.  I bet that it never rebooted after that.  Which means, doing the math, "the internet was broken" for seven or eight days.  I mentioned this to her and she - I SWEAR TO GAWD - says:  "Sometimes it takes me a while to notice that it's not working."

That's...that's all I got.  Refer to the Charlie Brown meme above.

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