23 January 2009

The Food Thing

Tonight, Kevin and I are going out on a date. One would think that we've been together almost 19 years that this would be no cause for excitement but it is.

1. No. Family.

2. He suggested it.

3. Olive Garden.

Now, I hear you, you're saying "But what about that whole eating healthy post a few days ago?"
Yeah, about that.

We've made two major changes this week. For us, both younger children in the birth order, this is big.

Change One...drumroll please....
He is eating a good breakfast. The first years of our relationship he had cinnamon sugar Pop Tarts for breakfast. (I know!) This is a huge change, requiring me to be up a little earlier and him to settle for three damn minutes and eat his breakfast.

Change Two...
We've banished...okay, maybe not banished but politely asked to leave... hamburger. We successfully managed ground turkey the other night. Whew! "D" says that if we can just manage that, we're doing good.

I made turkey breast the other night and while it wasn't our *favorite*, we didn't gag and die. So we'll try that again soon.

Kevin's mom is going to buy us salmon fillets from Costco so that will be a weekly thing...this I don't mind. And when the weather changes, Kevin will use his spiffy barbecue. So that checks two things off of the needs list: a) healthy food and b) someone else cooking!

The one detail that I forgot to mention and I don't know HOW I forgot is huge:
Due to the Grave's Disease and the side-effects, Kevin has to eat something every three hours. Seriously. Four hours, tops.
Luckily, it can be simple like string cheese or cookies or peanuts or fruit but this has gotten a little challenging now that he wants to eat "healthier" and he is slowly getting tired of everything.

So we've made progress. BFF "K" suggested a menu of sorts of everything he likes. Then I can extrapolate (I love that word and NEVER get to use it!) it into charts & graphs. Theoretically, that will help me figure out a system. I've already made a list of what he likes to eat in the form of a shopping list quite a while ago in an attempt to not have the same four things over and over.

The other thing that occurred to me was "What a horrible time to have a cholesterol check-up, three weeks after the HOLIDAYS." Of course it was higher than usual! Duh!

But *wistful sigh* we'll still make the healthier choices...*scuffing of foot*


Not Your Aunt B said...

Yum...breadsticks...salad...pasta...wine. My kind of date! And post his healthy snacks. I have the hardest time with snacks.

Dynamita said...

Eating healthier, does not mean never again having an unhealthy meal! It just means you will try to be healthier most of the time, as opposed to never.

I like plain fruit as snacks, but if you want something a bit more 'interesting': vegetables with houmous, Fruit Smoothies are an easy choice for me, also: wholewheat crackers, trail mix, half a peanut or nut butter sandwich, apple slices with a slim slice of cheese, yoghurt (with chopped fresh fruit and a handful of nuts, is low gi and super healthy), ham slices (beware of preservatives here), crackers with soft cheese.