24 May 2020

Grocery Store Lottery

The grocery shopping adventure continues with the parents.  This time it began as a mistake I made but ended up being The Same Story Over and Over Until We Die.

When scheduling pick-up times was difficult, I would schedule a spot for the parents and just throw random stuff in their cart to hold the pickup time.  Once I did this and it went well because the m-i-l forgot - again - to give me a list and thought that it would just magically happen.  I already had an order pending so I added to it and hooray, I am the hero.

Until I am not.  Out of habit, I scheduled them a pick-up for...oh, today.  And forgot to tell them. Somewhere between sitting here in my office to telling Kevin, I forgot.  I realized this at about 11:30 last night when it was too late to do anything.  I filed this under: Karma/ A good problem to have.

Then Kevin let me sleep in really late so by the time I woke up and my brain turned on all the way, it was time for the parents grocery pick-up.  I sheepishly went out and explained to Kevin what had happened.  He was a little sighy-eyerolly but also figured this was a good problem to have.  

He went next door and explained what happened.  His mother says and I quote: "Oh good, because I have a list but have been waiting for Surely to call to do the order. But she has already done it."

Deep sigh.

Kevin explained for the eleventyth time that we need the list THEN I make the order.  And that if she NEEDS something, she needs to let me know.   As always, this is Brand New Information. 

So Kevin brings over the actual list and I sat down to compare with the order that they were going to pick up.  Out of twelve items, I had four of them.  You know, that's not too bad.  Also, the lists are not consistent.  Sometimes it's regular, staple kind of stuff and today it was stuff like raisins and canned chicken.  

Today's list, it could be said, was not a Need kind of a list but a Want kind of a list.  (Yes, tiny bit judgy.)
Here are some examples:

"Flat noodles"...I know I should know this but my tired brain wouldn't bring it forward. So I'm googling "flat noodles" and I swear there was tone in the search results. As in: it's Fettuccini, you dumb ass.

"Vanilla (real)"  So, I am not a cooker or a baker so I always buy on the cheap when it's ingredients like these.  Vanilla is something that I buy every once in a great while, less now that I don't do so much dairy.  ANYWAY, Dude. It is expensive. Is it made from kitten tears because damn.

"Salt"...no brand, no amount. Just all.the.salt.  Also: I get scooby snacks for knowing that there are different kinds of salt.

Now tomorrow they will go into town and pick-up their "real" groceries and I will schedule a new order for next week.  Kevin will explain again that she needs to make a list before I place the order or she's going to get a smorgasbord of items.  Like that game show: Supermarket Sweep.

Now you might be thinking that this whole thing could be avoided by walking over there and/or calling to get her list and/or reminding her. Oh, if it were only that simple. The problem is it spins her out immediately.  She thinks she has to have a list RIGHT THIS SECOND OR PEOPLE WILL DIE.  There is no medium speed with her, just "normal" to full-out anxiety ridden.  So, unfortunately, it's on us to just work within the parameters we have.  

To be fair, it was going okay until I forgot to tell them when their appointment was.  

1 comment:

Gigi said...

Yes, real vanilla is expensive and it's supposed to be worth it when baking.