07 January 2010

Can't Want To

Have you noticed that everyone is kind of a funk? I know it's the after-Christmas thing but it's so EveryWhere right now.

I call it the Can't Want To's.

Imagine a preschooler being asked to tie their own shoes. Hands flailing, head bobbing, half-hearted footstomping and copious amounts of whining.

Now imagine the adult version. The need to be lazy, the hating of everyone, half-assing what we are doing. Eye rolling, heavy sighing, evil eyes.

The Can't Want To's.

Thus the short entry tonight: I have the Can't Want To's.


creative kerfuffle said...

it really is going around. it blows. i think i would feel better if i just smacked someone. at this point it would be the hubs.

Surely said...

I noticed another blogger using the word "stabby" last night and laughed. I think I will add that to my standard use of "snarky".

Maybe this is why Valentines Day is popular? Give us Something to think about in the yukkiness of January/February.