Our house has books everywhere, books next to my chair, on the bookshelves in the living room & office, next to the bed. For the longest time, I had a colorful stack artfully stacked under the window. (I wish I had a picture) The only room that doesn't have books is the kitchen. *insert your own joke here*
We have two big bookcases from the Moody House in the office. Our entertainment center has built-in bookshelves (built by Kevin's dad). I try to keep my books contained to those shelves, I haven't always been successful. I usually know when I've failed when Kevin begins muttering. Note: I rarely acknowledge his endless stacks of magazines. Okay, maybe I push them around with the vacuum cleaner and maybe the OCD straightens them regularly. Point being, he has just as many magazines as I do books.
What was I talking about again? Oh yes, book shelves.
I would love to live in the kind of house that has built-ins. Oh, how I long for built-ins. Or maybe just more space for books. Okay, both. Although our limited space helps control the books, along with Kevin's occasional grumbling about seeing books everywhere.
Not to say that I haven't imagined the strange cupboards in our hallway that we use for our CD's, DVD's and games into a snazzy quasi built-in bookshelf.
What kind of bookshelves do you have? bookcases? built-ins? stacks? How are they organized? Mine are haphazard, simply because I can't figure out any organizational system that makes me happy.
In all of the places I've lived, I've had to make do with regular old bookshelves. Like you, though, I long for a place like the one in the picture. I have a small collection of old books that I use for decoration. I have them on a shelf in my bedroom, and I love the way they look.
Oh that photo really is lovely. We have a bunch of misc bookshelves, only two matching (but not in the same room as each other). A set in our room, a set in the dining room, a set in the living room, a set in two of the kid rooms. We've thought about doing something libraryish with the foyer, on the wall that goes from the floor of the downstairs to the ceiling of the upstairs. I think it would be worth feeling a little snug on the stairs.
Ohhh I would LOVE a built in bookcase like that-- seriously awesome!! I just have a couple of cheap ones from Target/W-M and while they do the job I wouldn't call them gorgeous or anything!
i might have had a mini-orgasm looking at that picture! holy crap. my dream has always, always been to have a library in my house. but of course i want to live in an ancient, english estate where libraries were a natural room in the house, but, i digress. whe have one built in above the built in computer desk. i have books stacked under end tables. i have books stacked in baskets in our bedroom and when i cleaned out our closet this summer the whole top shelf now holds books. sadly i've given away tons and tons of books because i simply have no more room.
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