24 January 2010

"Post this if you agree"

I haven't talked about Facebook for at least a week so it's about time.

Recently there have been many status updates saying "If you love your mom, post this as your status update." "If you hate cancer, post this" etc. etc.

Unfortunately today has this:

"Shame on you America: the only country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment - yet we have a benefit for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations. (99% of people won't have the guts to copy and repost this)"


First off, I hate the "99% don't have the guts to post this." Don't insult me because I don't want to burden my friends/family with my opinions. And don't assume that everyone will agree with your post.

What really bothers me about today's update is the arrogance. I am so tempted to post "Really? Let's see your donation receipts and volunteer hours log. Oh, you don't have them? Then HUSH." (this is an assumption as well, but you get my point.) My charities? United Way, American Cancer Society, Livestrong, YWCA. I walk the walk baby.

While it is true that there are Americans in need, we are lucky enough to live here in the States. Haitians did not choose to live there, just like we did not choose to be born here.

Also, people have a short memory. The world came to our aid during 9/11 and Katrina.

It's easy to be cynical. It's difficult to do something. As Obama has reminded us time & again: It's up to us. We are the change that needs to happen. Being cynical is not helping anyone.

John Mayers latest tweet today was this: Proud to live in a country where even in one of the worst economic times, we pool together millions of dollars to help others.

What he said.


Daydream Believer said...

Oh my gosh. So fuuny you should post this. That terrible status is the reason I'm currently protesting Facebook. I cannot take the hypocrites and ignorance!

Surely said...

I finally just posted John Mayer's tweet as my status update. Now it's so quiet on FB, you can hear the crickets chirping. (:-D

Oh, and I read today that Haiti gave the US $36,000 when Katrina happened.