It brought to attention my drawer full of photos that I just can't decide what I am going to do with. I also have about a gabillion discs of photos thrown in a drawer that are being sorely neglected.
I have a KODAK photo frame that I can't figure out....well, not so much figured out as lost interest in. I have extra picture frames stored in two different closets. I even have that random photo album from Christmas that while it is intended as a baby album, is still an album. (this is where I say: But you have a dog, that's kind of a baby and then you duck because I've thrown something at you.)
And our Vegas trips. I've been three times and haven't done any sort of scrapbooks. I suck.
So, tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to Best Buy and purchasing a scanner/printer.
Then I'm going to Michaels to buy a scrap book and possibly some photo albums and frames.
Then I'm going to spread out everything and do....something...perhaps add to our photo wall.

You go, girl! PS--Your house is far too tidy for you to even get the whole "Hoarders" idea in your head.
roflmao. ok, i'm laughing only because not only do i have the stash of photos that need dealt w/ and the cd's full of digital pic but i also have a bag full of 35mm film that hasn't even be developed. do you know how LONG it's been since i even used my 35mm camera? yeah. last year i got some developed and found pics of the girl's first day of kindergarten. she's in SEVENTH grade now. also--i have two digital frames, full. and i haven't rehung the hallway pics after painting it this summer because i'm still working on figuring out which pics i want in the frames. it will be done this week. i swear.
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