They are black, clunky Dansko's.
These shoes are magic.
When Sketchers put out their fitness sneakers, I was interested in them. I love Sketchers and they stated that they help with posture. This pinged on my radar. I am constantly working on my posture....she says as she is huddled over the laptop.
I saw them in the store during the holidays and they were on sale! I stopped to check them out and Holy Sneakers Batman! $110. Yeah, no. Not happening.
But then, Then! I found these:

My posture is better, my joints don't ache, and best of all: I Am Taller.
I am just under 5' 3" right now. With these sporty boots, I am a Normal Height.
Because you're probably average height, you may not understand the Hugeness of this.
I can reach things! I don't have to jump to get into my own truck. I can reach things!!
The only problem with these shoes? $140 plus shipping. Yikes. And I want brown ones too.
$140 is totally worth being taller AND having better posture. And I will ask you to remind me of this when I have to order a new pair.
They're really cute, too, and they look like they can be dressed up or down. You can where them every day, everywhere!
Danskos are really good orthotic shoes too- my podiatrist highly recommends them and I used to wear them all the time (before the Sketchers rockers). They also have sandals, heels, etc. so be on the lookout during the summer. Naturalizer (surprise!) has some cute stuff too that are easy on your feet and help with posture too. Should you ever want the sketchers, there are some online sales or wait for shoe store coupons. I got mine for less than $90 with a store coupon and promotion. Love them! And you know I know about good posture shoes only because I am a nurse and our feet are the first to go!
wow! those look cool. and i'm 5'4" so adding height is fine by me.
You do know that those are the shoes I've been wearing every single day since you met me. Which is why you think I'm so tall when I'm not. they last FOR YEARS.
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