I know there is a preconceived notion about Howard Stern and I will acknowledge that some of it is true. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can do without the strippers & whores. I can do without the prank calls, I don't listen when he has that stuff going on.
That being said, I love listening to him in the morning. He is one of the best interviewers on the planet. He can make a guest that you think "Why would they have that guy on?" and make it interesting. He has a way of asking questions and getting answers, that most people wouldn't normally answer. He will not have a guest that comes with a scripted interview or refuses to answer certain questions.
Howard says things that no one else would say. He calls it like he sees it and I can only admire that, even if I don't always agree. He is topical and knowledgeable. I have found myself wondering what he thinks when something newsworthy happens. (Conan vs. Leno, for instance)
Last year I spent lots of time in the truck so had plenty of opportunities to listen. He had interviews with Ernest Borgnine and Chloris Leachman that were fascinating. They told stories of old Hollywood that otherwise we would never hear. He interviewed Rod Blagovich and you actually kind of liked the guy by the end of the interview. The Stevie Wonder interview was hands down the best interview I've heard.
He appears to be a loyal and giving friend. Rosie O'Donnell gives Howard 100% credit for her radio show. She has nothing but positive to say about him. He gives generously to many charities and what impresses me is that he takes no credit for it whatsoever.
He says he is retiring after this year. It actually makes me sad. I don't think there will ever be another quite like him.
You know, I have this preconceived notion of him in my head that he's just this pompous pig. After reading your post, I'm starting to think I was wrong. The only time I've seen or heard Howard, he was interviewing some bimbo and talking about her anatomy and sex. It just didn't appeal to me. Perhaps I should give him another try because he retires!
He is a contradiction, he does have the piggish side to him. Yet he does these great interviews and has these wonderful discussions that (for me) over-rides the thirteen year old boy behavior.
i too have had the preconceived ideas and have never even actually listened to him. but i do love a good interviewer. charlie rose comes to mind.
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