23 August 2019

Cast of Characters - an update

Cast of Characters

I haven't done this recently...like maybe ever?  If you've read for a while, you probably have a decent grasp of the Who's Who in my life.  If not, then there's No Way that it's not confusing.  I live here and I get confused.

Everyone has a pseudonym as this bloggity is semi-anonymous.

My name is Surely but was originally Firegirl.  It morphed as times changed and now I feel like a Surely.  It's from a play on words: Surely you Jest.  (or from the movie Airplane, either one you prefer)  It's also an homage to my aunt who passed when I was a baby.  I'm told that I'm just like her.

My husband is Kevin.  He was originally referred to as the Mad Genius, which he is.  But it was cumbersome so Kevin it is.  Kevin is actually a family name.

Kevin's family "lives" with us.  His parents live in a tiny home feet away from our house. I usually refer to them as f-i-l and m-i-l.   His brother and wife lives a few more feet away from our house and I usually refer to him as The Brother.  He and I don't see eye-to-eye at all. So, that's cozy.

The Nephew is The Brother's son. He is like a son to us and is one of a handful of people I would die for.  To use his words: he is a grown-ass adult. He is engaged/common law married,  and has six kids, from late teens to three.  C1, C2, The Littles - triplets so Boy Little 1 and 2 and Girl Little.  Sweet Baby is the youngest. That moniker no longer fits but I'm still using it. Trust me that this would so much more confusing if I used real names.  Sweet Baby is actually #5, as in Senior, Junior, III, IV, and V.

The Niece is The Nephew's sister.  Gregory, our teen LGBTQ boy, is her son.

I have two brothers whom I rarely refer to so it's a little more clear when I'm talking about them.  I was raised by wolves so the family dynamic is challenging.  I call my mom The Mom because of the imperious attitude that arrived shortly after my dad died.  And yeah: Dead Dad.

One of the brothers has two, grown daughters, one of whom has a son named after my dad. I think I'm going to begin calling the younger niece Mini Me because holy buckets, she really is.

We live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest (PNW) and are honorary Canadians, as designated by our Canadian friends.  Actually, Kevin is only one generation removed from Canadian citizenship. We've been told we have slight Canadian accents, not that we'd ever notice.

So there you go.  A map of who's who in this crazy bloggity and a little bloggity history.  May this make is slightly less confusing.


Anonymous said...

Thank you! I honestly can't believe you live feet away from that much family.....what a challenge....

Surely said...

You're welcome. Sometimes I feel like I need charts, graphs and a laser pointer.

It IS challenging. It's great when you don't have soup. Terrible when everyone knows that you were late for work.
