18 March 2020

Day One Blended Into Two

Well, friends today marks the first  second day of six weeks being home.  I am not sick. NOT SICK.
I work for the schools so here in Washington State, we are home for six weeks. At least.

I am lucky that I will probably be paid. I am returning to my office today to move my entire office to here at the house.  THEN it gets creative. I can work from home as long as my caseload allows.  I am guessing about a week's worth of work.  Because if we're not doing direct service, little work is generated for me.  After that, then it's a mandatory vacation.  *this is where I say that I'm lucky/blessed/blahblahblah

My friend asked me what I am going to do for six weeks and my reply was a sigh and "Probably be really grumpy."  There was a status check yesterday afternoon and I replied "BORED" with a picture of the television.

I just had the world's longest winter, full of holidays, snow days, and winter break.  The last thing I wanted was MORE time home. Now, to up the challenge level:  there is nothing to do.  Restaurants and stores aren't open.  Town looks like a former shell of itself.  There is quite literally nothing to do.

Okay, *hand clap*  I have to have some sort of a plan.  Swistle talked about this on her bloggity and we talked together about how there has to be a schedule.  I remember that from when I was home for months.  Get up at relatively the same time, eat at the same time, have an activity planned, daily chore schedule. In this case: work.

I had a small list of projects I could tackle while off and now I'm reconsidering. There was a funny yet realistic thread on the twitter addressing how humans have the tendency to make said lists then end of doing None Of It.

Here's what I am thinking:
Bank Instagram photos.
Write....shut up, I will.
Work on my photo project because it got shelved by doing both of my mother's projects.
Clean the oven...especially since I caught it on fire the other day
Work in the garden, if it ever stops freezing.  It was 30 degrees this morning.
Normally I would have "See my friends" but nope.
I told Lucy I would take her for walkies if the weather ever turns nice for more than five minutes.

I thought "Oh, this would be a good time to take care of annual physical, mammogram, etc."  Ummm, no. This is the exact wrong time to do any of those.  For a smart person, sometimes my brain betrays me.

And really, what am I actually going to get done?  Watch a LOT of television, surf social media, play Wordscapes and Farmville.  Read the stack of magazines that has accumulated again.

But for now, there will be some actual working from home happening.  I am unsure how that is going to play out but I'm here for it.

The next bloggity post will be an update to this update. NOT SICK. I repeat: Not SICK.

1 comment:

Swistle said...

I keep doing that same thing: "Oh, now that we have this time off, Elizabeth can have that sleepover!" "Oh, we can go on that trip!" etc. Like when the power is out and I keep thinking, "Oh, this would be the perfect time to get caught up on email!"