If my hair were to turn from blond to gray, I would be okay with that. But from blond to brown with gray? Not. So. Much.
I've tried to grow out my hair to see just how dark it really is but I often tap out quickly. I just can't get used to it. That and growing out colored hair just looks like hell.
And then, right before we left for Vegas I was considering it. Seriously. Like, go to the store and buy the stuff seriously.
I still haven't crossed it off my list. Here's the plan, if there ever such a thing as a plan in my life. In the summer I used the lightest color available:

So my plan is to just gradually increase the color until I can't stand it anymore. If I'm not careful, orange/red highlights will come out. Not a good color on me. But this is what I am considering:

My fear is that I'm light-skinned, transparent really. And Dark Eyed. So, the risk of imitating the glamorous looks of Morticia Adams is a factor. I can't find a current picture of me as I am the picture taker of the family so you'll have to use your imagination.
Here's the other thing: Kevin's ex-wife is dark-haired. So, I should probably discuss this plan with him, huh? No need freaking him out unnecessarily.
Here is the website for hair color. It's kind of fun to play with.
OMG, I can't imagine you with dark hair. It's like you without glasses.
I know, right?
I think it might be fun though...for the winter months...
ok, three things--one i need to add you to my blog roll cos that's how i keep up w/ people. two, i need your email addy cos that's how i respond to my commenters : ) and three--omfg--i was blonde and my hair also gets darker the older i get. my bro and sis also have blonde hair but theirs has stayed blonde longer than mine. i get highlights put in it now, well, once in a while. i hate me in brown hair. it does not look good. i have my grandma's hair. the older she got the darker she got, people thought she dyed it cos she never had gray. she actually had gray put in it once because people always asked her about it. she didn't start turning gray until her 70s. i'm in my 40s and have one gray hair.
email me your email if you don't mind: creativekerfuffle@yahoo.com
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