I've been to Vegas twice now. Kevin has been a few times prior to that. Each time, the rides on top of the Stratosphere are discussed and watched with horrifying delight. Click HERE for a glimpse.
There are three rides. Two of which terrify me simply by watching. Seriously. Terrifying.
The third ride might be something that I can do. MIGHT. Might. M.I.G.H.T.
Kevin has already said he'd do it if I did it. I think he's full of it. The in-laws are big ussy-pays so I know there's no threat there. However, The Nephew. The Nephew has thrown a challenge.
I may have to go on this ride:

It doesn't look so bad does it? It's just a simple free fall ride. No big deal.
A little detail:
The tower is 1149 feet tall total. The Observation Deck is at 869 feet and the ride is on top of it.
But I think I can get my brain worked around it. I think I can convince myself that it's not a death defying act.
Although while looking up the above information, I discovered something. In order to ride the ride: $27.95.
I don't think I can justify that amount for a one minute ride. Unfortunately, I have the kind of family that would, if not take the money out of their own pockets, would solicit donations from innocent bystanders. So y'all need to not tip them off, mmkay?
We'll see. That is where I'm leaving my decision. We'll see when we get up there.
And just in case you needed a better visual, go to the hotel website or just peek at the next picture:

DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! I will mail the money. If I ever went to Vegas, that is the one thing I would want to do.
OMG! Almost $30 to SUFFER??
i've been to vegas and seen that and there is no way in hell i'd ride that. ever. a roller coast/ride on the ground is one thing--but at the top of that? hells to the no!
Have so much fun, and GO on the ride!!!!! I've gone on those before :)
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