01 June 2019

Gnomes At Home

In this family, if you mention in passing that you like something...like, say, oh...bunnies...you will now get bunnies for the next birthday and holiday and Tuesday until you die.

It's a lovely thought and you probably thought "Oh, that's nice"  And it is. Until you have 100's of bunny figurines, towels, pillows, signs, flags.

So, I learned early not to mention that I liked something after getting tens of trains. (that's a more interesting story for another day, actually)

Somewhere along the way though, my sister-in-law has decided that I love gnomes.  I have no idea where this came from other than I bought one years ago and he lives in the rock garden.  He's a little worse for the wear and I think he freaks Kevin out a little. To be fair, he's got a little Chucky vibe going on:

But I don't know where this idea originated from.  Other than Chucky the Gnome, I don't think I've ever mentioned it.  I used to love the Gnome book when I was a child but I'm pretty sure that never came up in conversation.  I don't even enjoy Lord of The Rings...yes, I know those are hobbits.  I'm being hyperbolic. Calm down.

It gnoes like this: (see what I did there? Maybe THAT'S why. It's my punishment for puns)

When I broke my foot off my leg: gnome.  (like you do)
Birthday: gnome.
Helped with the family: gnome.

Not to sound ungrateful but seriously. I have...counting...six gnomes who live in my house.  She just dropped off another one the other day and I don't even know why.

We live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest so any yard art is ruined within a few seasons.  Because of that, I hate sending stuff outside to it's impending demise.  Thus, gnomes live in our house. (Why yes, I do anthropomorphize things.)

And one just freaks me out a little.  He's ceramic instead of acrylic and I've considered his accidental demise a time or two.  Instead I've hidden him, so he's a creeper gnome.

Oh hai.  

There's really no point to this other than a curious "Really? gnomes?" And perhaps to visit your dreams with our Chucky and Creeper Gnomes.

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