05 December 2009

Dear Miss Manners

So, we all know that my dad passed. However, there are still a few friends out there that doesn't. The kind of people that you run into at the grocery store or email you randomly.

I just spoke with someone I talk to yearly-ish, around my birthday. "How is everything going?" he asks. Umm, well. "Great!" Usually he asks and I quote: "How're the folks?" Luckily (?) he didn't get a chance to ask this time. Whew

How in the world do I announce it? Nothing is a conversation stopper/mood alterer like the announcement of someones death. Also, upon such an announcement, it is not unusual to hear "Oh, I'm so sorry. You should have called!" Yeah, that's not awkward at all.

So, let's practice:

"How're your folks?" "Dead. Well, one of them."
"How're your folks?" "Singular. One died."
"How're your folks?" "Mom's good. Dad not so much."

Suggestions, anyone? Because clearly I need them.


Swistle said...

I think I'd say, "Oh!" in a tone that announced that News was impending, followed by a gently-said "I don't know if you've heard, but my dad died." And then be ready with a quick follow-up to help them through their not-know-what-to-say-itis, like, "We had some warning," etc.

creative kerfuffle said...

i like swistle's idea. i've actually had to do that several times this year. my grandma died in march and a few weeks later my 45 yr old brother in law died. when people i've not talked to forever (like on FB) asked about either of them i handled it much like swistle said. it is awkward. however, in college one of my friends was killed in a car wreck our sophomore year. two years later when i was living w/ that girl's roommate, she still didn't tell people our friend had died. the red cross called all the time asking for her, because she was a regular donor, and my friend would always say, she's not here right now. two years later.

Not Your Aunt B said...

Hmm...I'd be tempted to go with something funnier and off-color but most people would be offended I think.

Surely said...

I am tempted most of the time as well but try to refrain...(:-D

Luckily, it is someone that would probably appreciate the humor!