She knows how to work her marks. She is a trained professional. You are not her first victim.
She will do whatever she needs to do. She'll stalk you, waiting outside your house...

Or she'll bring friends to intimidate you...

Or get her other friends to get treats for her. She has a deal with the in-laws doggy. When Missy shows up at their door, Sassy whines & barks until she gets a treat for Missy & herself. Like any good minion, Sassy waits until the boss eats before having her treat.

So please resist this face. It will come to no good.
This is one of my favorites of your posts. Also, I just emailed Missy a treat. Okay, two treats.
Love this! I would give her all the treats!
She works it like you Wouldn't Believe. She gets no less than FIVE treats from the baristas. FIVE.
I once bought them a huge box to thank them.
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