In the season of mistletoe, let's remember the Top 3 Most Memorable Kisses you've received.
They can be romantic, they can be from your child or grandparent, they can be PG or R Rated.
Mine, in no particular order, are:
1) One of those First Kisses that tasted like Cherry Coke & cigarettes, in a gas station, in Seattle, at 1:00 in the morning, through an open car window.
2) Wedding Kiss...Kevin & I were actually heckled because the kiss lasted so long. (:-D
3) A complete stranger in a bar. It had been a bad night, I was leaving early & he just grabbed me. A very thorough, lovely kiss. I have no idea who he was, except tall, blond, and strong.
Your turn! Comment or post a link to your blog!

this will require thought and possibly a post. i honestly do not think i can narrow it to three specific kisses.
Let's see. Most memorable.
1. Kissed my first date (we were 15) on the cheek. His cheek was DOWNY. I felt so BRAVE!
2. First lip kiss from first real boyfriend. Memorable because it was the first, but also because I was kind of like, "Huh. Not really...all I'd thought it would be."
3. Kiss from disreputable and verrrrry attractive boy I knew; he first asked if he could, which I found super-charming.
I can't even think of any because my mind is racing a million miles a minute of things to do. But, I do know that I love a slow, hot kiss in the winter as it is cold outside! Warms you right up!
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