16 November 2019

Actual Downward Dog

A while ago I tried yoga and I liked it.  I just did it here at the house, using an app on my phone.  I don't think that there is a chance in all of the universe that I could successfully do it in an actual studio.

The first time I tried it I was alternately cursing and laughing and narrating to myself.  I chose a free app on my phone and even though I chose the beginner level, it was so not.  NOT.  It was like the instructor had just drank a 24 oz triple shot coffee then conducted the class.  I will also swear that apps like this or navigation have been programmed to speak in TONE.  As in "Do not use that tone with me, missy.  I will close this app and go eat a cookie instead."

Also, I tried to do it in the living room, where there are just too many distractions.  Windows, chores, television, the ever present family.

So that didn't work out as planned and as I am prone to, I was consistently inconsistent in doing it.

Then I bought a new tablet and while setting it up, it occurred to me that it would be a better platform than using my phone.  I know, I know, shush.  I learn by experience.

I set the tablet up on my desk, closed the curtain on the giant window and gave it a try.

It was a whole different experience.  There weren't the same distractions, the radio was on, I could see the app and the instructor hadn't just done a few lines of banned substances.

Oh, I'm certain it wasn't pretty.  I'm not tall, curvy, and have a foot/ankle/leg that doesn't work as they should.  So, I had to adapt.

For example: tree pose will never be possible for me.  I can't stand on one leg for a substantial amount of time.  I made up my own pose and here we are.

The timing of developing this habit is tricky.  I noticed that if I did it as soon as I got home from work then the meditation part just made me sleepy.  I can't do it in the morning because I effing hate everyone and everything in the morning. (yes, I understand it's supposed to make that attitude better. NO.)

Instead of using Kevin's 35 minute commute to finish chores and begin dinner, I do a twenty minute session.  ADD likes to race time and I've found that this timing works.

Doing it in my office is a winner because I can gaze at my bookcase or at family photos on the wall in the hallway.  The radio is playing so I sing along and it help pass the time instead of focusing on how I am not necessarily enjoying bending my body that way.  Also, it helps time out the meditation at the end. Unless it's a song I don't like then not so much.

It's been two weeks now and I've been pretty successful.  I have a goal of every day in November and that feels attainable.  I'm halfway there and Kevin will be gone for a week.  Thanksgiving will be the only true struggle.

Today though.  Enter Lucy.  First, she startled me by sniffing my hand when I didn't realize she had entered the room.  Then she took that as a cue to play.  I had to pause and get her settled then continue. She laid down next to me, disappointed that it wasn't play time.

Then, apparently there were dragons outside because she lost her sh*t and began to bark and run through the house.  Not the soothing recommended environment.

But I persevered.  Then my phone rang.  Welcome to my life.  Kevin was on his way home.  With the distractions, my timing was off. Regardless, I finished in time and can cross one more day off of the calendar.

A few years ago, I would have laughed myself to tears with the idea of yoga.  However, like the meditation, I have seen improvement and it's not something I hate.

I just have to remember to put Lucy outside or to bed with earbuds or something.

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